# Send

# Send SMS

# Description

You can use this API to send an SMS message.

# Endpoint

    POST https://my.textme.co.il/api

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required
username string The username of the account by which you are recognized in the system. ✔️
source string The phone number from which you wish to send the SMS message. Must be maximum 11 characters and contains only numeric value (no +sign) and English letters ✔️
destinations object Contains all phone destinations you wish to send the SMS to. May contain multiple phone fields. ✔️
phone string phone number to which the SMS, must be formatted : 5xxxxxxx or 05xxxxxxx ✔️
id string An attribute of the phone element. If you’re interested in checking for DLR’s enter your ID for the SMS to query it later. Leave blank or don’t add it if you’re not interested.
tag string basically for GOOGLE's automatic SMS verification users ,allows you to add tag to the beginning of the message ,for example : <tag>#</tag><message>Hello world</message> result=> "<#>Hello world"
add_dynamic string If you wish that the SMS will send with the Dynamic Field of the contact list, set 1, any other value would be considered as no. This will check that there are no singles phone tags in the XML an no more than 1 <cl_id> tag, To use dynamic field, you need to use the following template: [DYNAMIC_FIELD1] for the first dynamic field and so on. For example: <message>Hello [DYNAMIC_FIELD1] [DYNAMIC_FIELD2]
message string Contains the message to be sent to the destinations.Must be maximum 1005 characters. ✔️
timing string the date in which the sms to be sent. If absent then will send immediately. Format : dd/mm/yy hh:mm
add_unsubscribe int If you want to add SMS option for removal.Remove by link set 3, Remove by return SMS set 2, any other value would be considering as no.
cl_id string If you wish send a message to a contact lists. You should enter the ID of the contact list.
temp_bl string If you wish to filter destinations that received a message in the last X days, You should enter the number of days between 1-14.
includes_international int If you wish to send sms with international destinations, You should enter 1, else 0
campaign_name string Campaign name that will be displayed on system reports. Must be maximum 50 characters.
links object Contains all links you want to shorten inside SMS. May contain multiple link fields.
link string Link you want to shorten. Must contain 'id' attribute. In message, write '[link-id]' where you want to display the shorten link.

# Request Example

Copy code

# Response Example

Copy code


Full description of the response status and message can be found in here:

# Send bulk SMS

# Description

You can use this API to send multiple individual SMS messages.

# Endpoint

    POST https://my.textme.co.il/api

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required
username string The username of the account by which you are recognized in the system. ✔️
source string The phone number from which you wish to send the SMS message. Must be maximum 11 characters and contains only numeric value (no +sign) and English letters ✔️
destinations object Contains all phone destinations you wish to send the SMS to. May contain multiple phone fields. ✔️
phone string phone number to which the SMS, must be formatted : 5xxxxxxx or 05xxxxxxx ✔️
id string An attribute of the phone element. If you’re interested in checking for DLR’s enter your ID for the SMS to query it later. Leave blank or don’t add it if you’re not interested.
message string Contains the message to be sent to the destinations.Must be maximum 1005 characters. ✔️
links object Contains all links you want to shorten inside SMS. May contain multiple link fields.
link string Link you want to shorten. Must contain 'id' attribute. In message, write '[link-id]' where you want to display the shorten link.
timing string the date in which the sms to be sent. If absent then will send immediately. Format : dd/mm/yy hh:mm
add_unsubscribe int If you want to add SMS option for removal.Remove by link set 3, Remove by return SMS set 2, any other value would be considering as no.
cl_id string If you wish send a message to a contact lists. You should enter the ID of the contact list.
messages array of objects Contains all the sms objects. The number of objects must not exceed 2500. ✔️
temp_bl string If you wish to filter destinations that received a message in the last X days, You should enter the number of days between 1-14.
includes_international int If you wish to send sms with international destinations, You should enter 1, else 0
campaign_name string Campaign name that will be displayed on system reports. Must be maximum 50 characters.

# Request Example

Copy code

# Response Example

Copy code


Full description of the response status and message can be found in here:

Last Updated: 6/17/2024, 11:46:39 AM